Which court form do I need?

Which court form do I need?

 There is a wide range of Family Court orders and it can be daunting to work out which one you need and how to apply. 

You can use the table below to find the form you need to make your application with the link to the online document. You can also get all forms and leaflets at any Family Court office.  

There is more information in leaflet CB1 from the family court which explains what to expect in family legal proceedings and which orders you can apply for. You can download the CB1 leaflet here.




Guidance Information

Application for:

1.     A Contact Order (Section 26 Adoption and Children Act 2002 or an order for contact or prohibiting contact under section 51A of the Adoption and Children Act 2002)


Link to document

Application for:

1.     An Adoption Order (Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002)


Link to document

Application for:

1.     Child Arrangements Order

2.     Prohibited Steps Order

3.     Specific Issue Order


Link to document

Application for:

1.     Appointment of a guardian

2.     Discharge of appointment of a guardian

3.     Parental responsibility order (Section 4)

4.     Step-parental responsibility order (section 4a)

5.     Discharge of a parental or step-parental responsibility order


Link to document

Provide supplemental information when making or responding to allegations of harm and domestic violence. 
Tell the court about harm that you, a child or children have suffered or are at risk of suffering, or use this form to respond to any allegations made by the other person in their application.
Link to document

Application for:

1.     For an order in existing proceedings

2.     To be joined as a party in existing proceedings (for example if you have received a C6A notice of proceedings)


Link to document

Application for:

1.     An order authorising search for taking charge of and delivery of a child


Link to document

Application for:

1.     An order for disclosure of a child’s whereabouts


Link to document

Form for:

1.     To respond to a court application about a child


Link to document

Application for:

1.     To apply to keep your contact details confidential from other parties in family proceedings


Link to document

Application for:

1.     Concerning judgements on parental responsibility



Link to document

Application for:

1.     For a declaration about whether a named person is the parent of another named person


Link to document

Application for:

1.     For registration, recognition or non-recognition of a judgement under Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 or the 1996 Hague Convention


Application for:

1.     The court to take action following the breaking of an enforcement order

2.     An order for compensation for financial loss

3.     To revoke (bring to an end) an existing enforcement order

4.     To amend an existing enforcement order because of a change of address

5.     Amending the hours of unpaid work in an existing enforcement order

6.     To extend the period of 12 months for completing the unpaid work


Link to document


Application for:

1.     Attachment of a warning notice to a child arrangement order (if the child arrangement order was made before 8 December 2008)


Link to document

Witness Statement template - Child arrangements - Parental dispute

Application for:

1.     To ask the court to witness your parental responsibility agreement


Link to document

Application for:

1.     To ask the court to witness your step-parent parental responsibility agreement


Link to document  

Application for:

1.     Parental Responsibility Agreement. Section 4ZA Children Act 1989 (Acquisition of parental responsibility by second female parent)


Link to document

Application for:

1.     To ask the court to make a non-molestation order or an occupation order


Link to document


Application for:

1.     Apply to change or set aside a non-molestation order or occupation order


Link to document










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