What to expect from the Cafcass safeguarding call?

What to expect from the Cafcass safeguarding call?

Before your FHDRA (First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment), Cafcass (the Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service) will normally telephone both parties to complete what is known as a 'Safeguarding Call'. They will call both you and the other party and then, in conjunction with any information from the Police National Computer (PNC Check) and from the Local Authority (Social Services), Cafcass will prepare this information in the form of a 'Safeguarding Letter'. This letter is then sent to you, the other party, and the court.

The Cafcass officer will start by introducing themselves and checking you understand the process and explaining anything to you that you do not understand. They will explain who they will be sharing information with from your call. They will check with you if you are involved in any other court proceedings.

Next, they will talk to you about mediation and parenting plans to find out if there is one in place or if you have proposed one. They will look to identify with you what the issues are that you are asking the court to determine.

Cafcass will want to talk about your child or children and for you to talk about their character, their interests, who you live with, what the children like doing, and information on your background and current relationship.

They will speak to you about any mental health, alcohol and substance abuse, domestic abuse or any other safeguarding risks and they will want to know what you/your ex/your child have been exposed to.

After the call, they will write up all the information they have gathered from both you and your ex, along with the information from the Police and Local Authorities and they will conclude the safeguarding letter with some recommendations to the court. It's important that when you receive your safeguarding letter that you focus on what the recommendations are and reflect on whether you agree that these are in the best interest of the child.

Read more here on the Cafcass website.

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