Preparing a Bundle for the Family Court

Preparing a Bundle (Folder)

A Bundle is another name for a folder of information. It brings together all the information and evidence relevant to the case in one place and makes it easier to refer to information during the hearing. It combines documents belonging to you and your ex.

There are rules on who has to prepare a bundle and this is normally the first 'represented' party. This means that if the Applicant has a solicitor it is normally the Applicants solicitor's responsibility to prepare the bundle. If the Applicant does not have a solicitor but the Respondent does then it is the Respondent's solicitor's responsibility to prepare the bundle.

Whoever makes the bundle must agree the contents with the other party.

There is further information attached in the DU Basic Guide to Bundle Preparation

If you want to read the rules around bundle preparation and formatting, these are contained within Practice Direction 27a:

Practice Direction 27A - Family Court Proceedings: Court Bundles

Regardless of whether you need to prepare an official Bundle, it is good practice to maintain your own folder of information and it will be helpful to you, Cafcass, and your Barrister (if applicable) if you structure it like a Bundle.
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