CAFCASS Statement

CAFCASS Statement

Every child should be afforded the opportunity for meaningful contact with both parents when it is safe and in that child’s best interests.

In proceedings relating to a Child Arrangements order, the Court presumes that the involvement of a parent in a child’s life will further the child’s welfare, unless there is evidence to the contrary.

Exposure to parental dispute may result in children experiencing both short and long term cognitive, behavioural and emotional effects through their childhood and potentially into adulthood. In addition, a lack of effective communication between the parents will lead to misunderstandings and tension and will inevitably have an adverse impact on children and on the quality and progress of contact arrangements with either parent.

Repeated applications to the court and further litigation are unlikely to be beneficial to children and on the contrary, may have a negative impact on their relationships with one or both parents. It is therefore imperative that you both find a means of communicating more co-operatively about relevant issues.
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