Apps for Communication between Co-parents to escalate conflict

Apps for Communication between Co-parents

Sometimes communications can have broken down between co-parents and support is required to help produce a co-parenting environment that can function to deliver the best possible outcomes for children whilst mitigating and helping to de-escalate conflict.

Our Family Wizard

Our Family Wizard is a website and app that can handle a shared calendar, shared files, information, and communications between co-parents whilst protecting you both from conflict with a language filter for the communications (optional paid extra). The costs start at £79 per parent per year. You can find out more at


2Houses is a website and app that offers a shared calendar, space for dividing expenses and managing shared finances, messaging, and a space for holding information about the child/children. The price is £99 per family per year. You can find out more at
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    Dads Unlimited supports the emotional safety of men and those they care about through three key areas; supporting male victims of domestic abuse, supporting men with family separation; and supporting men’s mental health. All of our services use an evidence-based, trauma-informed, person-centred approach. You can find out more on our website

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